Qué Saber, Qué Esperar: Justicia Juvenil 102
Register: https://bit.ly/11-14-jj102
Register: https://bit.ly/11-14-jj102
VIRTUAL - Grandparents Connections-- Lunch & Learn When: 2nd Thursdays Description: Peer-to-Peer Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren This is a time to connect with, learn from, and support other grandparents raising […]
Set 30 minutes aside for you to explore and create presence and mindfulness in your daily life Learn and practice techniques to identify, acknowledge, and release emotions Free! Drop In! […]
VIRTUAL Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health […]
HYBRID Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health […]