
VIRTUAL: Grandparents Connections — Lunch & Learn

VIRTUAL - Grandparents Connections-- Lunch & Learn When: 2nd Thursdays Description: Peer-to-Peer Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren This is a time to connect with, learn from, and support other grandparents raising grandchildren with mental health needs. Join us for learning, sharing & conversation with a focus on mental health wellness in a confidential and welcoming place […]

PPAL Statewide Meetings

"The Dangers of Detention," with Katherine Perry-Lorentz, Esq. It is important to understand the real dangers of detention and the data dashboard that follows. Take a live look at Massachusetts data around the juvenile justice system to understand: How we can divert children from entering detention. The data that shows the children connected to detention The […]


VIRTUAL: Grandparents Connections — Conversation & Connection

VIRTUAL - Grandparents Connections -- Conversation & Connection When: 4th Thursdays starting 12/22/2022 6:30 - 8:30 PM Description: Peer-to-Peer Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren This is a time to connect with, learn from, and support other grandparents raising grandchildren with mental health needs. Join us for learning, sharing & conversation with a focus on mental […]


Serie En Español de Salud Mental Regístrese ahora para el taller de PPAL, "Planificación previa para una crisis de salud mental: el camino hacia la preparación" Los talleres de PPAL están destinados ÚNICAMENTE a padres / cuidadores / familiares / socios familiares de niños con necesidades de salud conductual. (Líderes que trabajan con niños y han vivido experiencias también son […]