PPAL’s Monthly Statewide Meeting: The Importance of Engaging Fathers

with George Fleming Work with families often focuses on the mothers as primary caregivers of the children and youth struggling with emotional and behavioral health challenges. It is critical that we are engaging fathers in our work as their impact and participation has profound implications for children’s wellness and growth. As an expert in this […]


VIRTUAL: Caregiver Support Group

VIRTUAL Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for snacks and good conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Contact: WestboroughSouthCountyParentSupport@PPAL.net Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87083392277

The Inside Track: A PPAL Briefing

Our children’s mental health system had gaps and flaws before the pandemic. COVID-19 only made things worse. However, there are growing efforts to make improvements in schools, insurance, crisis care and family support. Please join us at the Inside Track, a PPAL briefing and networking meeting, to get updated on new and current resources, news, […]


VIRTUAL: Caregiver Support Group

VIRTUAL Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for snacks and good conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Contact: WestboroughSouthCountyParentSupport@PPAL.net Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87083392277