The Others

The Others, a group of teens in Worcester Massachusetts organized through a SAMHSA funded Statewide Family Network grant, was created in response to the expressed need for a social network…

Medications and Choices

This family-driven research study, provides new and compelling information which clarifies how families decide upon the use of psychotropic medication for their child.

Pointing the Way to Leadership

YouthMOVE Massachusetts has published its first report, Pointing the Way to Leadership. This youth-led group held structured focus groups to find out how youth defined leadership.  In this report, they reflect…

Respite Care: What Families Say

In Massachusetts and across the country, children with mental health needs now receive most of their care in their homes and communities. Much has been written about the value of…

Speak Out for Access — Take 2

In 2001, PPAL and Health Care for All asked families about their challenges with accessing care. “Speak Out for Access — Take 2” revisits this topic 15 years later.

Medications & Choices — Take 2

In 2006, there was a lot of furor about medications and kids.  So PPAL asked the real experts — families — what they thought.  Medications & Choices — Take 2…

Stigma: What Families Say

We’ve asked parents questions about stigma in surveys over the years.  Even when we didn’t ask, they told us how stigma has impacted their lives.  This survey revisits past questions…