Who To Call In A Mental Health Crisis
Bullying has been around forever and is often glamorized in the media. Remember Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter? Regina George from Mean Girls? Buzz from Home Alone? And while the…
Every year in the United States, more than 45,000 people take their own lives. Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for teens and young adults, ages 10-34 (CDC, 2022).…
Sometimes the best parents and caregivers have CRAs filed on their child. Sometimes parents and caregivers are advised or pressured by schools, hospitals, and other places to file the CRA…
If you suspect that at some point you may need to call 911 for a mental health crisis, take a few steps ahead of time to help things go more…
If your child is charged with a crime, the court process can be long and confusing. Here are some tips for making everything go as smoothly as possible.
Applied Behavioral Analysis, or ABA, is a therapy that uses a scientific understanding of behavior to manage or change the way individuals act. Commonly, the goal of ABA is to…
Did you know that you and your children have a legal right to mental health care covered by your insurance? Coverage of services for mental health, behavioral health and substance-use…
Sibling Support: How Can Parents of Children with Mental Health Needs Support Typically-Developing Siblings?
Your family's mental health story has power! With it, you can reach out for help, connect with families who have been through similar experiences, and build community.
Why Should I Become a Community Health Worker? Parents and caregivers of children with special needs already have the experience they need to become one! Learn more about the process…
Getting a phone call from the police that your child has been arrested can make any parent scared beyond words. Sometimes good kids do dangerous or foolish things. Your child…
PPAL created with parents a prescription pad like resource for everyone to know some statewide support.
PPAL created a prescription pad / fast resource for everyone to know some statewide 24/7 resources at your fingertips. These resources are statewide snapshot.