IN PERSON & VIRTUAL: Caregiver Connections Tuesdays 5:00 - 7:00 PM Are you looking for parent to parent support? Do you need help finding resources to support your child or have questions about services? If you answered yes, then you should definitely attend!! Zoom link: Phyical Address: Beals Memorial Library 50 Pleasant Street Winchendon, […]
Wednesdays, 11:30-1:30 Zoom: Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for a confidential and welcoming conversation!
Wednesdays, 6-8pm Zoom: Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! Join us on your device from the comfort of your own home for a confidential and welcoming conversation!
VIRTUAL Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for snacks and good conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Contact: Zoom link:
VIRTUAL - Parenting Power Up When: Every Friday, 12pm-2pm A Peer-to-Peer Parent Support Group Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Zoom link: Contact:
IN PERSON - Family Support Group for Lynn Families Every Other Friday 6:30 - 8:30 PM This group is intended for adults and children! Each date has a planned schedule of activities for both adults and children and dinner will be served. Please email Dalene to get more information and RSVP. Email Dalene to RSVP: […]
VIRTUAL – Grupo de Apoyo Hispano — Hispanic Support Group Todos los lunes de 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Every Monday) Únase a nosotros para conectarse, aprender y apoyar a otros padres que crían niños con necesidades sociales, emocionales o de salud mental. ¡Únase a nosotros en su teléfono, computadora o tableta desde la comodidad […]
School Problem Solving Clinic - VIRTUAL/ TELEPHONE -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mondays 1:00 - 3:00 PM PPAL's FREE and CONFIDENTIAL school problem solving clinic for parents, caregivers, and family members across Massachusetts. Get one-on-one support for a wide range of concerns including * School discipline issues * School resource officer questions * Child Requiring Assistance […]
IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL: Parenting Young Adults: Looking to the Future Mondays @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! We welcome you both virtually or in person! Also, check out PPAL’s Parents of […]
VIRTUAL - Parents Raising LQBTQIA+ Children< Mondays from 6:00 - 8:00 PM Join us for connection and support from other families raising children who identify as LGBTQIA+. email with any questions!
IN PERSON & VIRTUAL: Caregiver Connections Tuesdays 5:00 - 7:00 PM Are you looking for parent to parent support? Do you need help finding resources to support your child or have questions about services? If you answered yes, then you should definitely attend!! Zoom link: Phyical Address: Beals Memorial Library 50 Pleasant Street Winchendon, […]
Wednesdays, 11:30-1:30 Zoom: Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for a confidential and welcoming conversation!
Wednesdays, 6-8pm Zoom: Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! Join us on your device from the comfort of your own home for a confidential and welcoming conversation!
VIRTUAL - Sibling Support Program: A Family-Centered Mental Health Initiative When: Monthly on the first Thursday, 5:30 – 7:30pm Description: Supporting Siblings is a program for caregivers AND siblings. Registration is required. This event is a collaboration of UMass Medical School, PPAL, MCPAP, and Greater Worcester Community Foundation. Contact and Register: Call (857) 523-1145 or […]
VIRTUAL Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for snacks and good conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Contact: Zoom link:
VIRTUAL - Parenting Power Up When: Every Friday, 12pm-2pm A Peer-to-Peer Parent Support Group Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Zoom link: Contact:
VIRTUAL – Grupo de Apoyo Hispano — Hispanic Support Group Todos los lunes de 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Every Monday) Únase a nosotros para conectarse, aprender y apoyar a otros padres que crían niños con necesidades sociales, emocionales o de salud mental. ¡Únase a nosotros en su teléfono, computadora o tableta desde la comodidad […]
School Problem Solving Clinic - VIRTUAL/ TELEPHONE -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mondays 1:00 - 3:00 PM PPAL's FREE and CONFIDENTIAL school problem solving clinic for parents, caregivers, and family members across Massachusetts. Get one-on-one support for a wide range of concerns including * School discipline issues * School resource officer questions * Child Requiring Assistance […]
IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL: Parenting Young Adults: Looking to the Future Mondays @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! We welcome you both virtually or in person! Also, check out PPAL’s Parents of […]
VIRTUAL - Parents Raising LQBTQIA+ Children< Mondays from 6:00 - 8:00 PM Join us for connection and support from other families raising children who identify as LGBTQIA+. email with any questions!
PPAL's Statewide meetings are meant ONLY for parents/caregivers/family members/family partners of children with behavioral health needs. (Peer leaders who work with children and have lived experience are also welcome.) Questions:
IN PERSON & VIRTUAL: Caregiver Connections Tuesdays 5:00 - 7:00 PM Are you looking for parent to parent support? Do you need help finding resources to support your child or have questions about services? If you answered yes, then you should definitely attend!! Zoom link: Phyical Address: Beals Memorial Library 50 Pleasant Street Winchendon, […]
Wednesdays, 11:30-1:30 Zoom: Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for a confidential and welcoming conversation!
Wednesdays, 6-8pm Zoom: Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! Join us on your device from the comfort of your own home for a confidential and welcoming conversation!
VIRTUAL - Grandparents Connections-- Lunch & Learn When: 2nd Thursdays Description: Peer-to-Peer Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren This is a time to connect with, learn from, and support other grandparents raising grandchildren with mental health needs. Join us for learning, sharing & conversation with a focus on mental health wellness in a confidential and welcoming place […]
VIRTUAL Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for snacks and good conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Contact: Zoom link:
VIRTUAL - Parenting Power Up When: Every Friday, 12pm-2pm A Peer-to-Peer Parent Support Group Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Zoom link: Contact:
IN PERSON - Family Support Group for Lynn Families Every Other Friday 6:30 - 8:30 PM This group is intended for adults and children! Each date has a planned schedule of activities for both adults and children and dinner will be served. Please email Dalene to get more information and RSVP. Email Dalene to RSVP: […]
VIRTUAL – Grupo de Apoyo Hispano — Hispanic Support Group Todos los lunes de 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Every Monday) Únase a nosotros para conectarse, aprender y apoyar a otros padres que crían niños con necesidades sociales, emocionales o de salud mental. ¡Únase a nosotros en su teléfono, computadora o tableta desde la comodidad […]
School Problem Solving Clinic - VIRTUAL/ TELEPHONE -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mondays 1:00 - 3:00 PM PPAL's FREE and CONFIDENTIAL school problem solving clinic for parents, caregivers, and family members across Massachusetts. Get one-on-one support for a wide range of concerns including * School discipline issues * School resource officer questions * Child Requiring Assistance […]
IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL: Parenting Young Adults: Looking to the Future Mondays @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! We welcome you both virtually or in person! Also, check out PPAL’s Parents of […]
VIRTUAL - Parents Raising LQBTQIA+ Children< Mondays from 6:00 - 8:00 PM Join us for connection and support from other families raising children who identify as LGBTQIA+. email with any questions!
IN PERSON & VIRTUAL: Caregiver Connections Tuesdays 5:00 - 7:00 PM Are you looking for parent to parent support? Do you need help finding resources to support your child or have questions about services? If you answered yes, then you should definitely attend!! Zoom link: Phyical Address: Beals Memorial Library 50 Pleasant Street Winchendon, […]
VIRTUAL Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for snacks and good conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Contact: Zoom link:
VIRTUAL - Parenting Power Up When: Every Friday, 12pm-2pm A Peer-to-Peer Parent Support Group Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Zoom link: Contact:
VIRTUAL – Grupo de Apoyo Hispano — Hispanic Support Group Todos los lunes de 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Every Monday) Únase a nosotros para conectarse, aprender y apoyar a otros padres que crían niños con necesidades sociales, emocionales o de salud mental. ¡Únase a nosotros en su teléfono, computadora o tableta desde la comodidad […]
School Problem Solving Clinic - VIRTUAL/ TELEPHONE -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mondays 1:00 - 3:00 PM PPAL's FREE and CONFIDENTIAL school problem solving clinic for parents, caregivers, and family members across Massachusetts. Get one-on-one support for a wide range of concerns including * School discipline issues * School resource officer questions * Child Requiring Assistance […]
IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL: Parenting Young Adults: Looking to the Future Mondays @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! We welcome you both virtually or in person! Also, check out PPAL’s Parents of […]
Monday 6/24 6-8pm Join us by Zoom to learn about ways to support people with disabilities in making decisions about their lives. In Massachusetts, when a person turns 18 years old, they become a legal adult. This means the law says they get to make their own decisions about their health care, education, finances, […]
VIRTUAL - Parents Raising LQBTQIA+ Children< Mondays from 6:00 - 8:00 PM Join us for connection and support from other families raising children who identify as LGBTQIA+. email with any questions!
IN PERSON & VIRTUAL: Caregiver Connections Tuesdays 5:00 - 7:00 PM Are you looking for parent to parent support? Do you need help finding resources to support your child or have questions about services? If you answered yes, then you should definitely attend!! Zoom link: Phyical Address: Beals Memorial Library 50 Pleasant Street Winchendon, […]
Wednesdays, 11:30-1:30 Zoom: Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for a confidential and welcoming conversation!
Wednesdays, 6-8pm Zoom: Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! Join us on your device from the comfort of your own home for a confidential and welcoming conversation!
PAID OPPORTUNITY Thursday, June 27th 202411am - 5pm All Things Possible!Young Adult Access Center250 Thatcher St. Brockton MA Description:A youth peer-led training for young adults age 14-24 who want to learn how to share their personal stories safely and effectively to help other youth going through similar situations.Participants earn a $50 stipend upon completion of […]
VIRTUAL Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for snacks and good conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Contact: Zoom link:
VIRTUAL - Grandparents Connections -- Conversation & Connection When: 4th Thursdays starting 12/22/2022 6:30 - 8:30 PM Description: Peer-to-Peer Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren This is a time to connect with, learn from, and support other grandparents raising grandchildren with mental health needs. Join us for learning, sharing & conversation with a focus on mental […]
VIRTUAL - Parenting Power Up When: Every Friday, 12pm-2pm A Peer-to-Peer Parent Support Group Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for conversation in a confidential and welcoming place! Zoom link: Contact:
IN PERSON - Family Support Group for Lynn Families Every Other Friday 6:30 - 8:30 PM This group is intended for adults and children! Each date has a planned schedule of activities for both adults and children and dinner will be served. Please email Dalene to get more information and RSVP. Email Dalene to RSVP: […]
VIRTUAL – Grupo de Apoyo Hispano — Hispanic Support Group Todos los lunes de 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Every Monday) Únase a nosotros para conectarse, aprender y apoyar a otros padres que crían niños con necesidades sociales, emocionales o de salud mental. ¡Únase a nosotros en su teléfono, computadora o tableta desde la comodidad […]
School Problem Solving Clinic - VIRTUAL/ TELEPHONE -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mondays 1:00 - 3:00 PM PPAL's FREE and CONFIDENTIAL school problem solving clinic for parents, caregivers, and family members across Massachusetts. Get one-on-one support for a wide range of concerns including * School discipline issues * School resource officer questions * Child Requiring Assistance […]
IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL: Parenting Young Adults: Looking to the Future Mondays @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! We welcome you both virtually or in person! Also, check out PPAL’s Parents of […]
VIRTUAL - Parents Raising LQBTQIA+ Children< Mondays from 6:00 - 8:00 PM Join us for connection and support from other families raising children who identify as LGBTQIA+. email with any questions!
IN PERSON & VIRTUAL: Caregiver Connections Tuesdays 5:00 - 7:00 PM Are you looking for parent to parent support? Do you need help finding resources to support your child or have questions about services? If you answered yes, then you should definitely attend!! Zoom link: Phyical Address: Beals Memorial Library 50 Pleasant Street Winchendon, […]
Wednesdays, 11:30-1:30 Zoom: Are you caring for or supporting youth with mental health needs? Join us to connect, learn from, and support other parents raising children with social, emotional, or mental health needs. Join us for a confidential and welcoming conversation!
Wednesdays, 6-8pm Zoom: Are you raising or supporting a teen or young adult with social, emotional, or mental health needs? Join us for connection, support, and learning! Join us on your device from the comfort of your own home for a confidential and welcoming conversation!